We now have an Amazon Wishlist!
Check it out and if you can send some of the items our way, we and those we serve would greatly appreciate it! AMAZON WISH LIST
***PLEASE NOTE— You must complete your order within 20 minutes for items to be delivered directly to us. Otherwise, items will be shipped to your address.

Our Clothing Area is stocked with clothing for men, women, and children. We are always in need of shirts, blouses, shorts (in season, preferably), dress pants and jeans, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, belts, socks, and underwear.
We are more than happy to accept used clothing (except for underwear); we just ask that it is in good shape, clean, and free of tears and holes. We are also in need of blankets, pillows, sheets and washcloths.

Soap, shampoo, shaving cream, deodorant, lotion, mouthwash, and toothpaste are always needed. Feminine hygiene items are also needed as they are in high demand.
We also need disposable razors, brushes, combs, lip balm, denture cleaner, nail clippers, and files, talcum & foot powder in addition to facial and toilet tissue.

Antacids, bandages, buffered aspirin, cotton swabs, cough medicine and lozenges, latex/medical gloves, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and rubbing alcohol.

Food Assistance helps those who are homeless and marginally housed. By providing ‘to-go’ meals, cash resources can be used for rent, security deposits, medical needs, and other resources. Non-perishable, canned foods (especially with pop-tops) are always needed.
We also need coffee, creamer, tea, soda, juices, cereal, snack foods (nutrition bars, cheese crackers, etc.), condiments, gravy, peanut butter, jelly, sugar, salt, pepper, pancake mix, loaves of bread, pasta, sauces, and soups.
We can also accept some quantities of perishable goods. Luncheon meats, hot dogs and cheese are items we could use as well.

Cleaning needs include bleach, laundry & dish detergent, soap, window cleaner, trash bags, food storage bags and containers, brooms, mops, dust pans, dish rags, and towels.
Meal and Paper needs include styrofoam cups, plates & bowls, plastic utensils, napkins, paper towels, and toilet tissue.
Office needs include copy paper, envelopes, postage stamps, file folders, sheet covers, and items such as highlighters, pens, pencils, paper clips, rubber bands, and tape. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE THROUGH DONATIONS, OF COURSE, IS ALWAYS NEEDED AND WELCOMED!

Sack Lunches and hot meals are prepared off-site and are delivered to our agency by dedicated volunteer groups.
Each weekday, sack lunches are provided for up to 350 homeless and marginally housed persons.
Hot meals are provided on weekday mornings at our agency site. If you are interested in being a part of our Meals Program, please give us a call at 614-222-2885 or email us at openshelter@att.net.

Donations of items are very much appreciated. We only ask that items be in good repair, as any items that need repair or discarding would add to our agency costs.
Receipts and/or acknowledgment letters are given for all donations, if requested, and are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS rules.

WE LOVE VOLUNTEERS!!! Volunteers can help in several different ways.
Preparing & serving food. We can always use food groups to serve a hot meal in the mornings at our agency and also need volunteers to help.
Taking in & sorting donations. Helping organize & sort our Material Assistance Room. Cleaning & sprucing up our agency. Clerical & office duties.
We also are more than willing to work with YOU & YOUR GROUP in regards to donation & pledge drives.
Need more info? Want to help? Please give us a call at 614-222-2885 or email us at openshelter@att.net.