The Open Shelter is an Advocacy Center & Day Services Shelter for homeless and marginally-housed people in Central Ohio. We provide crucial needs directly to those in crisis. Coordinated, supportive services are also provided, directly or by referral.
The Open Shelter & YOU assisted 2,658 homeless and marginally-housed persons in 2024; 871 of whom were “living on the streets”.
57,122 sack lunches and 119,015 ‘to-go’ meals were provided. 33 men and women participated in our “Payeeship” program, which helps homeless and recently homeless persons who need third-party money management.
1,379 instances of outdoor item assistance were provided in addition to 5,161 instances of clothing assistance.
We also provided 2,158 hygiene kits & 562 diapers. 818 bus passes were passed out.
We also helped guests acquire nearly 1,000 State IDs, Drivers Licenses, and Birth Certificates.
There is also access to phones, copiers, faxes, and computers in addition to providing a mailing address.
This is only possible because of YOUR support.
YOU keep The Open Shelter OPEN!
We look forward to your continuing support this year.
Thank You.
Volunteers can help in a number of different ways.
Preparing and serving food.
We can always use food groups to serve a hot meal in the mornings and also need volunteers. Taking in and sorting donations. Organizing and sorting our Material Assistance Room. Cleaning and sprucing up our agency. Clerical and office duties.
We are willing to work with YOU and YOUR GROUP in regards to donation & pledge drives. Need more info? Want to help? Please give us a call at 614-222-2885 or email us at openshelter@att.net.
The Open Shelter, Inc.
1037 Parsons Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43206