The Open Shelter

Thanks For Making The NASCAR Day GiveAThon A Success!

Click for a very special message from Open Shelter Director, Sheli Mathias.
Thank You to EVERYONE who made the 2024 #NASCARDayGiveathon a success for The Open Shelter & those we serve!

Thanks to donors, The NASCAR Foundation & its sponsors, nearly $4200 was raised for our mission of Staying Behind With Those Left Behind.

Nearly $2800 in donations from caring supporters like YOU, and nearly $1400 in bonus grants & matching funds were given to The Open Shelter and our mission of assisting homeless and marginally housed men, women, and families thanks to the GiveAThon!

A special thank you to Alli Smith for rallying her family and friends during the GiveAThon!

Thanks again to everyone who made this edition of the NASCAR Day GiveAThon a very successful and special one for The Open Shelter and those we serve. Thanks to YOUThe Open Shelter stays OPEN!

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