The Open Shelter


The Open Shelter has an August Match Mania Update…and it’s a wonderful oneYOU not only met the $5000 match, but you blew by it!!!!! There are probably still donations coming in, but as of right now— a total of $13,123.00 has been raised!!!
That means The Open Shelter gets a $5000 gift promised by a loyal donor of ours! This puts the total for August Match Mania at $18,123.00! This is only possible because of the generous support of so many!

Ann Marie & Mike Frissora, pictured in between Open Shelter Resource Development Coordinator Harry Yeprem Jr, and Sarah Hatchard, Director of Guest Services, were able to get the support of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Columbus Linden Aerie, who graciously donated $4000.00 to The Open Shelter for August Match Mania!

We also would like to thank Ann Marie, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and her “lunch ladies” for their tireless work in providing 600 sack lunches for those we serve the past few weeks!

This grassroots support is how The Open Shelter has been able to stay OPEN for over 40 years for homeless and marginally housed men, women, and children in our community.
From Board Member James Alexander issuing a challenge to other Open Shelter Board Members, to the $5000 gift made by an anonymous donor, to over $1000 donated by neighbors of ours, to the $5000 pledge made by loyal supporter William Klopfer, Jr. that made August Match Mania possible.
Thanks to YOU, our guests have access to crucial needs such as food, clothing, and hygiene items. Thanks to YOU, our guests have access to supportive services such as healthcare, money management, and Birth Certificate & State ID assistance.


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